Custom Works
You can return it to us for full refund within 14 working days of receipt, subject to certain conditions, please see our full returns policy for these.
Yes we are at 12 Worcester street, Wolverhampton, WV2 4LD and you are welcome to pay us a visit. Check the website for the up to date opening times.
We ask for this information so that we can contact you in case there is a problem with your order. Very occasionally there will be a problem with a delivery, and we need to be able to contact you to regarding this.
We also contact our customers through e-mail with our newsletter. Don’t worry we want choke your inbox or share your details with anyone else. It’s just if you want to be one of the first to know of our sale or special offers. This will ensure you’ll be able to get first choice of the bargains available.
Note: when ordering online you will receive an email acknowledging receipt of your order.
Apologies if an item you order is sold out or delayed. We always try and make sure that as much of our range as possible is available to you at any given time. Having good stock availability not only means happier customers but also more sales too. However, we do occasionally get it wrong with some items selling far better than expected. Fortunately many of our suppliers are able to deliver quickly so generally most delays will be minimised.